Who is Dr. Morse?

Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H., is the creator and founder of Cellular Botanicals. He has lectured and taught in the Natural Health Sciences throughout the world for the past 40 years and has authored many books on Health and Spirituality. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and International Documentaries presenting findings, case studies, and educating on Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration.

Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry and a Doctorate of Naturopathy from the Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England.

He is a Master Herbalist with degrees from many Institutes. Dr. Morse is a member of The International Association of Naprapathic Physicians, the American Naturopathic Medical Association, and a Board Certified Naturopath by The Board of Examiners of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification & Accreditation Board, Inc.

Dr. Morse is an Honorary Member of (ASPEMT) Associacao Profissional dos Especialistas da Medicina Tradicional (Portugal).

Dr. Morse was given an Honorary Degree from the Medical Association of Portugal for his professional work in Tissue Regeneration. He also holds certificates from Iridologists International and was awarded the “Certificate of Excellence” in Iridology, Nutrition, and Holistic Healing, personally presented to him by his friend, the late Dr. Bernard Jensen.

His Objective is to teach the world how simple cellular (tissue) regeneration is, and how beautiful and easy it is to experience God directly.

He is an author, lecturer, practitioner, and teacher.  Dr. Morse is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition, and Fitness.

He travels worldwide teaching others the secrets of Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration. As a fruitarian, Dr. Morse spent many years fasting and living on fruits only. “One can tap into boundless energy rejuvenation at these levels.”

Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Morse created extra strong, tissue specific, botanical formulas for his rejuvenation clinic. These formulas have received worldwide acclaim and are used by physicians, clinics, and individuals throughout the world. Dr. Morse is on a mission of healing and awakening souls to God.

Nichlas Brandon – Grapegate 


A Word From Dr. Morse

No matter what your age, health is one of your greatest assets while you’re living your journey on this planet. For generations, man has been ignorant of his/her body’s proper nutritional needs. It is not difficult to understand the proper foods man should be consuming, which is simply reflected in the physiological design of the human species. Once called omnivores by many, humans are actually frugivores. Man’s diet should be predominantly fruits and vdr-robert-morseegetables, instead of dead animals, their milk, and dormant foods (grains & beans). Because of the type of foods and chemicals man has been (and is) consuming, humans have created a state of toxicity, genetic weakness, decay and degeneration of cells never before seen in any species.

Understanding this and what one must do to reverse this is vital in the preservation of our species and one’s experience of True Health. There is so much misinformation, mainly because of big business, that man is confused and frustrated.

Dr. Morse has been dedicated to truth and using Regenerative Detoxification to assist humans and animals back to health for over 40 years now. Health becomes very simple when you understand how one loses it. I’ve spent decades assisting thousands in restoring and regenerating the tissues of their

physical bodies as well as connecting them with God again.
True happiness is a combination of physical, emotional and mental balance with a broader understanding of who you, as an individual, really are.

Many Blessings,

Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., M.H.